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Catch-up Clinics


Has your child missed their vaccination at school ?

We are running catch up clinics in your area. See below for the dates and locations of the clinics.







Drop ins may be available but are not guaranteed

Vaccines we provide:

DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio)

Meningitis ACWY


HPV (check with your local team)

Flu (check with your local team)


 0208 017 7925

To speak to our team:

Year 8 vaccine, human papillomavirus (HPV) - Online webinars

We will be running webinars looking in detail at the virus, the reason for the vaccine, and the impact the vaccine has had worldwide. We will address frequently asked questions and hope to dispel myths and common concerns. We will also allow time for questions at the end of the session.

Please see below for the dates, times and links to join.

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